Pof Military

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  2. Pof Scams Military

What is POF meaning in Army?
1 meaning of POF abbreviation related to Army:

POF Army Abbreviation

Military POF abbreviation meaning defined here. What does POF stand for in Military? Get the top POF abbreviation related to Military. Military romance scams have been going on for a long time, dating back to the early days of the internet and social media platforms like Facebook. In fact, many military romance scams originate on social media rather than through online dating sites, though both platforms have their fair share of issues. A headstamp is the markings on the bottom of a cartridge case designed for a firearm. It usually tells who manufactured the case. Military headstamps usually have only the year of manufacture. The left cartridge's headstamp says 'FC 223 REM' which means that it was made by Federal Cartridge Co. And it is in the caliber.223 Remington. Do your research. Much of the reason these scams are so successful is that people are willing to take these “soldiers” at their word rather than researching. If a soldier is asking you to send him money for services, research the kind of services that military personnel are provided while on base.

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acronym.io. . POF Meaning - Meaning of POF Military. Retrieved , from http://acronym.iopof-meaning-military/
acronym.io. . 'POF Meaning - Meaning of POF Military'. http://acronym.iopof-meaning-military/ (accessed ).
acronym.io. . POF Meaning - Meaning of POF Military, acronym.io, viewed , <http://acronym.iopof-meaning-military/>
acronym.io. 'POF Meaning - Meaning of POF Military'. . Web. . <http://acronym.iopof-meaning-military/>