Dating Coach Website


When you think of a dating coach, you may picture someone whispering in a client's ear and telling them all the right lines to use in order to land the partner of their dreams. But according to actual dating coaches, their work involves a lot more than that. So what can a dating coach actually do for you? And, should you consult one?

It's no secret that dating can be really tough. While more and more people are meeting their partners online today, research has found that it can negatively impact mental health for some. In fact, a 2018 study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences found that picture-based mobile dating apps like Tinder or Bumble can lower one’s self-esteem and increase the risk for depression. The most recent Singles in America study by Match even found that more people are experiencing dating burnout, and described dating today as 'overwhelming' and 'unkind.'

Mar 29, 2018 Help Yourself. Register for The Class, schedule your free consultation for private dating coaching, or connect with our dating coaching admin through our website or by calling 844-331-1993. As a dating coach, relationship expert, and transformational life coach, Christina will help you address relationship issues, understand dating rules, clear blocks to success, and rebuild and reconnect with your innermost desires. James Preece, influencer and celebrity dating guru, is an expert in online dating involved in getting singles together through matchmaking and single parties. As a relationship expert, James has published nine dating books dedicated to men and women. As a dating coach, James gives advice via radio and TV.

NYC Dating Coach, Connell Barrett Connell Barrett is a NYC dating coach who's helped thousands of men all over the world find their soulmates while dating with integrity and authenticity. Connell's been featured on the Today Show and in publications including Cosmopolitan, Playboy and Oprah Magazine.

One of the most common pieces of dating advice you'll hear is to be confident and just have fun. But it's hard to be confident when dating is leaving you burnt out and disappointed. It's even harder when you're actually looking for a relationship. That's where a dating coach comes in.


What A Dating Coach Can And Can't Do

'It's hard to be objective in one's own life,' Channa Bromley, elite matchmaker and certified dating coach, tells Bustle. 'A dating coach is able to strategize and position their clients effectively on the dating scene.'

In addition to that, a coach's job is to help you manage any dating-related anxiety and fear. According to Bromley, the goal is to help a client move away from sabotaging beliefs and behaviors, so they're consciously dating.

'Everyone has blind spots in dating and we do things that may come across differently than we intended,' Bromley says. 'A dating coach is able to spot patterns that are not in alignment with the clients' dating and relationship vision and guide the client back onto the path where their greatest level of happiness will be found.'

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A dating coach can help you with a lot. But they can't make anyone fall in love with you, nor can they force you to fall in love with someone else. They won't 'coach' you during dates, and they won't teach you any manipulative tactics either. According to Bromley, 'There are pickup artists that have given dating coaches a bad name.' But a legitimate dating coach will work on their client's 'inner game' so that they present themselves in the best way and from a place of wholeness.

How A Dating Coach Can Help You

Each dating coach has their own approach to coaching, and will help clients in many different ways. For instance, Bromley can help to interpret and respond to texts. She'll create online profiles that are effective, manage accounts, and teach clients how to message others in a way that gets results. She'll also do image consulting and prepare mock dates to help her clients feel confident when they're getting out there on their own.

Most importantly, dating coaches are there to offer emotional support. 'I'm their sounding board and their confidant, who will give them the tough love they need to enter into the relationship they have always desired,' Bromley says.

According to her, we've all experienced heartache at some point. These wounds often turn into limiting beliefs that 'take the steering wheel when we date.' A dating coach will help you to identify these limiting beliefs so you can reframe them and feel more empowered while you're navigating the dating scene. In doing so, you'll be better able to identify the right people for you, let go of the ones who aren't, and avoid self-sabotaging behaviors so you can have the healthy relationship you want.

Who Can Benefit The Most From Seeing A Dating Coach

'Going to a dating coach isn't always about not knowing how to date,' Stef Safran, dating coach and matchmaker, tells Bustle. 'It's a lot like going to a personal trainer. You see them to get a better workout than you can on your own.'

So you don't need to be 'bad' at dating to seek out professional guidance. Anyone can benefit from getting coaching. Whether it's helpful or not really depends on you. It's a lot more inner work than anything else. It's not just about getting a complete makeover and knowing the right lines to use. You really have to be open to making positive shifts in order to see results in your dating life. It may get uncomfortable at times, but it's usually well worth it in the end.

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Congratulations on considering a dating coach for women! Dating coaching can take you from feeling frustrated and emotionally drained with the dating process, to enjoying it and seeing success. That being said, dating coaching is not for everyone.

Let’s see if it’s the right fit for you and your needs.

Vancouver Dating Coach For Women

My name is Lana Otoya, and I am a Vancouver Dating Coach For Women. My office is based in Vancouver BC, but I remotely coach clients all over the world.

The clients that are right for my style of dating coaching fit the following categories:

  • You are a successful woman who is having trouble finding a successful man
  • You either need help with online dating itself or have questions about a current relationship that has started recently
  • General help with confidence or self-esteem
  • Help with attracting men
  • Help with online dating profiles and photos

My dating coaching is not the best fit for:

  • Couples who are already in a committed relationship.
  • Anyone looking for mental health related counselling – I am not a licenced mental health professional
  • Anyone looking for a quick fix. Finding a real connection takes time and commitment.

Do I need A Dating Coach?

If you feel you are a perfect candidate for dating coaching, let’s have a look at if you really need one.

We can do this by looking at what a dating coach for women actually does.

1. Perfectly Optimized Dating Profiles

It can be difficult to write a dating profile. Oftentimes I see clients who are humble, so they’re not putting their most attractive qualities on their profiles. Other times I will see the opposite, where a client has made their profile sound too arrogant.

As someone who has worked in the professional dating industry for years, I can help you craft a profile that will attract higher-quality men. This will save you time and energy from going on low-quality dates.

2. Time Saving

Dating without professional guidance takes longer. You spend time chatting with men who are not serious or filtering through profiles that have glaring red flags. Dating coaching can help you streamline your approach to dating so that everything is more efficient and results happen faster.

3. One on One Guidance

Once you start seeing someone, their are a lot of questions that might come into your head. What do you do if he hasn’t sent you a follow up text after a great date? What about if he said he’s not ready to make it official but we’ll “see how things go?”. When is the best time to be intimate? All these questions have a very specific answer and a dating coach can tell you what to do without any second-guessing.

4. Release Of Energy

The best part about having a coach by your side is that you can get things off your chest.

The biggest way I see women ruin heir chance with a great guy is self-sabotage.

If you let your insecurity, anxiousness, racing thoughts or Type A personality get the best of you, it can destroy your chance with a man who could have been “the one. “

A dating coach will help ensure this doesn’t happen and can make the entire dating process much more enjoyable. And dare I say it? Even fun!

5. Inside Look At What Is Attractive To Men

My work in the dating industry started as a dating writer and then I moved on to matchmaking for mostly wealthy male clients. In this role, I heard it straight from single, high-quality men what they were looking for in a woman. I know what men find attractive, what they want in a partner and now I can teach you what that is.

The great news is men are quite simple in this regard. Once you know what they are looking for, it’s easy to act that way, no matter your personality type or interests.

Who Is The Best Dating Coach?

The best dating coach for you is the one that you get along with the best.

All dating coaches or dating experts will have the qualifications needed, but the dating coach that is right for you is someone who you enjoy talking to. They make you feel happy, encouraged, and motivated to date.


After all, the biggest reason why people give up on dating is that they get so frustrated and exhausted with the process. A dating coach is there to help you and encourage you so this doesn’t happen.

It is for this reason that I do not accept all clients who apply to work with me.

I put everyone through a free 20-minute consultation. It is on this phone call where both of us will decide if we get along well enough to make a great dating team.


Dating Coach For Men

If you’d like to schedule your free coaching consultation, click here.

Dating Coach For Men

Are There Dating Coaches?

Yes, dating coaches exist to help people find the love of their lives.

You might be embarrassed to hire a dating coach for women, but you shouldn’t be. Talking to a dating coach is kept 100% confidential.

A coach will also provide priceless information that will last you a lifetime. Sure, people get into relationships and get married all the time – but are those relationships really best for them? I have seen so many people fall “head over heels” with someone who was not a good fit for their life and they regretted it deeply in the long run.

The Dating Coach Movie

A professional dating coach can help stop this from happening. We are briefed on the science of attraction, love, and high-quality relationships. The chances of you finding a true love that will last forever grow exponentially when you have the knowledge and expertise of a professional in your corner.

Dating Coach For Women Packages

If you have decided that you’d like to give dating coaching a try, I encourage you to book a free consultation with me by clicking this link. That way you can figure out if this is something that will make sense for you and your dating goals.

Professional Dating Coach

If you are interested in reviewing my coaching packages and prices, you can click here.