Bi Women Dating

Connect with bisexual men and women that want to explore their bi feelings and meet mature bi contacts here. Experiment, have fun. Women seeking women, men seeking men or a bi-couple seeking a third, find the contacts for you here! Creating a profile is quick and easy. So join us and enjoy local bi dating. Oct 14, 2012 Bi women are practically mainstream: Megan Fox, Lady Gaga, Anna Paquin, Jessie J, and Evan Rachel Wood, to name only a few, have all spoken openly about being bisexual. When a woman says she's bi.

On This bi curious site, you will find thousands bisexual singles and more bi curious women, bi curious men and bi curious couples looking for bisexual relationship. There are some bi singles looking for bi couples to have a threesome , bi couples looking for third. What are you looking for? Bi Curious is one of the largest and most popular bi curious dating sites. There are over 1,280,600 bisexual members on this site now. What's more, it is totally free for bicurious men, bicurious women and bicurious couples.

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Join BiCurious Now

If you are one of bi curious women, bi curious men or bi curious couples who are seeking bi curious people for bisexual relationship, just check this popular and safe bi curious dating site. It is very simple to join this site. After creating a profile with your photo, you can start searching these million of bisexual singles and send emails, winks or instant messages. What are you waiting for? Join us now, and start exciting and interesting bisexual relationship here.

At we'd like to think you have just found the largest and best site completely dedicated to Bisexual and Bicurious women from all over the world !

Are you Having trouble finding honest and safe places to have a chat, or get advice and support ? Well, you've certainly come to the right place. has been welcoming bi and bicurious women for nearly 15 years.

We've set up this website just for you, because we've been there too. We welcome bisexual and bicurious women from all walks of life for frank and honest bi chat and discussion. Perhaps you're single ? Or perhaps in a relationship, married and don't know where to start, or if this is even for you ? Maybe you're experiencing feelings towards other women you just can't get your head around ? You'll meet many others just like you in our support forums. And we really hope we can help even if it is just an ear to listen or a bit of advice. One thing's for sure, you'll certainly make some friends along the way !

Our goal is to provide a non-threatening, safe and sleaze-free support and advice forum for bi and bicurious women exploring their bisexual desires. Perhaps struggling to come to terms with strange feelings towards other women ? Or wondering how to 'fit' their bisexuality into their day to day lives ?This site simply a meeting point for likeminded women struggling with their feelings. Our community is very active and has been online for over thirteen years. It's definitely not all serious stuff though. We have plenty of light hearted and fun chill-out areas. We'd love to see you there. You'll be warmly welcomed.

Bi Women Dating Service

Still feeling Shy ?

When we started we were absolutely amazed by the response. There are obviously a lot of women feeling like us out there. Here are just a few comments some of our new members have to say....

'I've never as much as kissed a woman, but find myself thinking about this all the time now. I guess I've been brought up to think that homosexuality was wrong, I haven't told him the way I feel as I think he is still very much of this opinion. It's great to have a place where I don't have to worry about giving my self away'

'As a woman seeking another woman for a relationship, I'd tried everywhere but it all seemed to be full of people looking for threesomes (which isn't for me really) or men pretending to be women on dating sites. I was about to give up in despair of ever finding somewhere I could just be myself and talk about my confused feelings. However landing on Shybi one day I knew I'd found what I'd been looking for. I've been a member now for 2 years ! Love it !'

'I guess if i'm honest, I've been bi-curious for years but never had the guts to do anything about it. But I've recently come to the conclusion that you only live once and it's better to regret the things you have done rather than the things you haven't.'

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Why not have a Look Around ?

The site is centered round our forum community. We're not really a dating site but many members have met through us and have gone on to form long term relationships. Most of us though have connected with and made a great many friends with all the support and help that goes with it. Set up your own profile, chat, post, start a blog, a public or private club, message and get to know others just like you in a safe and private environment.


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